We are an Argentine company dedicated to the manufacture of toys and collectibles. Our goal is to keep alive this industry that marked a golden age in our country for decades. Argentine toys have always been and will be well valued around the world for their quality and distinction.
That is why in addition to producing new lines of toys and accessories, we are also in a continuous search for old molds and dies to bring back to life those toys that gave us so many hours of fun in the past.

We have our own tooling and state-of-the-art machinery that allows us to be internationally competitive.
The art that so embellishes our products is in charge of internationally renowned artists, who even lend their work to large multinational companies.
All our products are developed and manufactured in Argentina, we know that the workforce in our country is excellent and that is why we bet and believe in it. Designers, operators and creatives who work directly or indirectly at LEATOYS give their best so that our company grows day by day.